Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Before & After" Marathon...Dwnstrs 1/2 Bath

I am coming to realize very quickly, that I am enjoying the sound of my own voice way more than expected...I think the site needs less talkin' & more action. With that said, here is a plethora of before and in progress pics...
1/2 BATH
View from hallway before...
Upclose into the soon to be gone kitchenette... ...Kitchenette and back pantry walls gone.
...View of 1/2 bath from its neighboring full bath, and the drywall is up, awaiting pedestal sink and toilet (which I also sniffed out an awesome bargain for, my beautiful new TOTO sink/toilets from, Bonus* They had FREE shipping!) I heart them.

Here's the faucet that we chose for our beautiful new sink...
and here is the lightning (shoot, I couldn't find our exact one, but here is one similar...)
Finally, we decided on this marble tile flooring from Lowes (less than $3 sq/ft baby!)...
Okay, enough of the 1/2 bath...all of the action is in the full bathrooms where my favorite tile in the world will be placed.

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