The poster that greeted you at the door...

**I forgot there weren't hi-res images back in the day...please excuse the pixelation on some of these images!

I love the use of 70's relevant gold and brown combo...

Speaking of Mom...when she was 16 her older brother invited her to a fraternity party at Roanoke College. Oh, the days in which civilized parties were organized, and big brothers brought their little sisters as dates. So ADORABLE. I think she actually saved the pin or ring they gave dates at the party as well. Anyhoo, she also saved the dress she wore. It is another timeless timeless infact that my niece, Molly wore it to her Homecoming last month! (I wish I had a pic of my Mom in it as well for the full effect. ugh.)
It fit her like a glove! Doesn't she look gorgeous!?!?!?

I have another fashion throwback I would like to share! Below is a picture of Pop, my gandfather. (He actually would have celebrated his birthday yesterday. We miss you Pop!) Wonderfully, our family had saved the precious little gown, and it was inevitable that we did a photoshoot with JJ. (Plus - I was very excited, given this may be the ONLY time I get to put a baby in a dress.)
Pop, age unknown...I am thinking around 1 1/2 or so?)

Jasper getting into the proper undergarments...Yes, the gown came with a slip. Love it.
My boy has some gunzzz, notice the dress is a bit tight around the shoulders! He is only around 8 months in these images! (Compared to the gown being a bit more flowy on Pop twice his age.)
Look at those sweet pudgy hands...(they remind me of the Peanuts characters.)
Melting hearts around the world...
Our cuteasabutton little boy, Jasper has been very active these days, to say the least. One of his favorite pasttimes is to bang things with anything resembling a stick. (My sister has insisted this is universally a boy-thing, which will lead to swords & septors.)In the meantime, I have set-up make-shift drum sets for him to explore different sounds. He has become very particular about how the drums are arranged and placed on the floor...
In Action!
I think we have a budding John Bonham on our hands!
Besides his love for drumming everything within reach, Jasper has taken a liking to playing peek-a-boo, pulling Mommy's hair, playing with the neighbors cat & working out on his walker. Here a few images for your viewing pleasure...
Jasper with is new gift from TiTi Sharon. He is extremely serious about his work outs. (**Please ignore my obnoxvious voice! It is embarrassing.)
Here kitty-kitty...
I am slightly embarrassed about sharing my love for the Redskins these days. But JJ proudly wore this outfit, and the Redskins won their only game of this season. Coincidence? I think not...
Wow, I can't believe how well he's walking with that thing. He's growing up so fast Kat, how adorable!
I love the birthday stuff, and that DRESS! And then I REALLY love all things JJ - he is growing too fast. I LOVE him.
Century Gothic or die,
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