Sunday, June 15, 2008
Family Secret Recipe...

Saturday, June 7, 2008
Did You Miss Us?
(Notice my eyebrows - they looked awesome that day for some reason.)
We tried several times to get a photo of the "pregnant" reading on the test, but it never came out...but you get the point. Other than Pj's initial "intense" moment concerning having a baby in our death trap of a house - when he tried to sell it from right under my nose, we are over-the-top excited!! So far we have been blessed with a wonderful pregnancy. (Pj has moved past the freak-out stage, thankfully). I was exhausted the first 3 months and my boobs felt like punching bags, but other than that I wouldn't even know I was preggers! (Actually, I was a little weepy at work, which led my co-worker, Carrie a.k.a "Veronica Mars" to sniff out the trail very early on, probably before I even knew it myself. She has amazing super-senses and sometimes I actually believe she might be the Private Investigator version of a superhero....I am dead serious, a breathing lie-detector.) So, here are a few of our ultrasounds from our first two Dr. appts. Fyi* We have nicknamed him/her "Chicken Little" in honor of Pj's minor "episode" mentioned earlier...

*13 Wks, 1 Day*

Here are the 3D shots! He looks a bit like Skeletor, but one must not forget, Skeletor was an extremely powerful wizard. I expect no less from our Chicken Little. It was pretty amazing, he was already playing with/swatting his umbilical cord and punching the air! I don't think he liked the ultrasound, I read somewhere that babies hear the ultrasound as a high pitch ringing. Dr. Yang mentioned that they do indeed hear it, but it is not proven that it is bothersome...ummm, someone should tell baby Chicken that.)
Well, I will leave you with these last images. These pics of our home were taken in 1915 (our home would have been about 16 yrs old.) A nice woman came knocking on our door last summer, and said that she had purchased the images at an antique store many moons ago. She made the connection after attending the auction sale here at the house after Mrs. Wilson (previous owner) had passed. She was kind enough to bring me the pics, and I was so overwhelmed with excitement, that I rudely forgot to get her name and number! Unfortunately, I was never able to send her a proper "thank you" gift. Anyhoo, Enjoy!

If you look closely to the right of the front stairs, you can see a climbing rose bush. We actually discovered that survivor after hacking down an overgrown bush when we first moved in! The maple tree to the left is still there, but the one to the right is long gone. I only wish I could tell what color the house was originally painted!